
Keithley 6221 DC Current Source



The Model 6220 DC Current Source and Model 6221 AC and DC Current Source combine ease of use
with exceptionally low current noise. Low current sourcing is critical to applications in test environments
ranging from R&D to production, especially in the semiconductor, nanotechnology, and superconductor
industries. High sourcing accuracy and built-in control functions make the Models 6220
and 6221 ideal for applications like Hall measurements, resistance measurements using delta mode,
pulsed measurements, and differential conductance measurements.

• Source and sink (programmable load) 100fA to 100mA
• 1014W output impedance ensures stable current sourcing into variable loads
• 65000-point source memory allows executing comprehensive test current sweeps directly from the current source
• Built-in RS -232, GPIB, Trigger Link, and digital I/O interfaces
• Reconfigurable triax output simplifies matching the application’s guarding requirements

Avail subj. to prior sales, otherwise lead time 6 to 8 weeks

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S$ 16,200.00

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Keithley 6221 DC Current Source

Keithley 6221 DC Current Source

The Model 6220 DC Current Source and Model 6221 AC and DC Current Source combine ease of use
with exceptionally low current noise. Low current sourcing is critical to applications in test environments
ranging from R&D to production, especially in the semiconductor, nanotechnology, and superconductor
industries. High sourcing accuracy and built-in control functions make the Models 6220
and 6221 ideal for applications like Hall measurements, resistance measurements using delta mode,
pulsed measurements, and differential conductance measurements.

• Source and sink (programmable load) 100fA to 100mA
• 1014W output impedance ensures stable current sourcing into variable loads
• 65000-point source memory allows executing comprehensive test current sweeps directly from the current source
• Built-in RS -232, GPIB, Trigger Link, and digital I/O interfaces
• Reconfigurable triax output simplifies matching the application’s guarding requirements

Avail subj. to prior sales, otherwise lead time 6 to 8 weeks

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